Are you a breath holder. Insert Heart breaker lyrics here.

Are you a breath holder…insert (Heart breaker lyrics).

Yes, I am dating myself, but it's part of life. We age daily, and I like music, so I am sharing how I add my daily reminder not to hold my breath or to remind you not to hold your breath.

Seriously, are you a breath holder? I ask this question because it is more common than people realize. Do you hold your breath when you lift something heavy? Do you hold your breath when lifting weights? Do you hold your breath when you are texting? Whoa! So many questions about holding your breath. No judgment, but we must stop doing this.

Back to the question, you answered it and figured out that this may be you. And if it is, I want to talk to you. In my Jersey accent, I want to talk to you.

It is a stress-fueled pattern, according to Dr. Belisa Vranich. An example I will share is when you are just going about your day, and a thought pops up that you forgot to text someone back. You realize what happened, hold your breath (stress response), pick up your phone, and text the person. I've done this numerous times, and I invite you to pay attention to this from this point forward.

Breathing styles are a significant contributor to how effectively you are breathing. It is a process of learning to breathe better or just returning to how you were breathing from the start.

There are some things that I would like to invite you to do for the sake of getting started, and you know I am your girl if you want to get deeper into fixing your BREATHING problems.

I am a Dr. Belisa Vranich student, and I LOVE…I LOVE talking about breathing and what you can do to feel better. I mean TODAY. We are in a world of fast-acting, gratifying experiences, right?

Take a few moments to determine if this is what you do, then correct it. Of course, there's more to the breathing method and things you can do daily to improve your breathing, but I don’t want you to hold your breath. It is not beneficial to you or your mind, or your body. It just isn't.

When you have noticed that you are holding your breath, I would love for you to inhale in through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. Something that I got in the habit of doing was inhaling and then exhaling loudly. This permitted me to correct it and allow myself to breathe.

I often discuss the reason I carry a balloon in my pocket. It is to remind me of my exhale. My exhale is just as important. Your exhale allows you to release toxins from your lungs; trust me, the air is coming out. So yes, I carry a balloon. One of my friends, a non-believer, commented on the balloon and referenced it as a paper bag. No, it's not a paper bag, but it is one effective way of using my breath, and I invite you to carry a balloon with you. Want to know more about the balloon? I am here for you, no problem. Setting up a workshop for your team has never been easier. I can do live sessions in New Jersey and Zoom lessons as well. I have irresistible deals for groups of 10 or more with BONUSES.

Set up a Zoom call with me to figure out if this is something that would be beneficial to you or your team. Each call is 30 minutes, and we can discuss what you would like to improve and how I can help your team BREATHE better.

Exploring your breath!

Changing your breath changes how you feel and as Dr. Belisa states, the changes take place both on the cellular and muscular levels.

G3 Learning Systems LLC

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